Benefits to Health
The greatest benefit of buckwheat to the end consumer, naturally, is its gluten free status and its ability to be substituted in everyday cooking for those who have sensitivities to wheat or other grains that contain gluten.
It is also cholesterol and sugar free, a great source of natural fibre, low in both fat and sodium and - it tastes simply – GREAT!
Vitamins and trace minerals can also be found in the heart shaped superstar, including:
helps the body turn carbs into energyNiacin
used in your digestive system, skin and nervesVitamin B6
assists brain function and developmentFolate
essential to make red blood cellsMagnesium
maintenance of muscle healthPhosphorus
used in the formulation of teeth and bonesZinc
helps absorb iron and in the manufacture of collagenManganese
bone and connective tissue builder
Benefits to the Land
As mentioned, holistic management practices are important to the Pure New Zealand Buckwheat family and this is also a growing area nationwide in our agricultural sector.
Farmers are looking at reducing the chemical inputs into both plants and the land, so this process utilises the collaboration of conventional and organic methods of farming.
Buckwheat can be sown in with or alongside brassica to promote the beneficial insects that feed on undesirable pests – this allows the farmer to control these pests without using chemical sprays. It is also known for its robust properties as part of the rhubarb and sorrel plant families, so is drought tolerant.
When buckwheat is planted, phosphorus that is bound in the soil can be released and it also attracts beneficial insects to the area which is sown, including our old friend the bee, meaning high pollination.
If you think that Pure New Zealand Buckwheat could be of benefit to your farming practices (and we feel confident that it will be) please call one of the team today.