Chocolate Hazelnut Tart

2c cashews

2c hazelnuts, skinless

1/2c almond meal

1/2c cacao powder

2tsp vanilla essence

3/4c blended PureNzBuckwheat groats

1/3c maple syrup

1/3c PureNzBuckwheat honey

2/3c coconut oil

1/2c peanut butter

1/4c coconut cream

1/8tsp hazelnut flavour

Chocolate Ganache

3/4c cacao powder

1/3c melted coconut oil

3/4c PureNzBuckwheat honey

1/2tsp vanilla essence


 Place cashews in a bowl of boiling water and leave to soak for 20 minutes.

Line your tray or baking tin with baking paper.

 Using a food processor, blend 1c of hazelnuts, almond meal, cacao powder, and 1tsp of the vanilla essence till it resembles crumbs.

Add the pre-blended buckwheat groats,  honey and 2T of coconut oil.

Once combined press the mixture firmly into your tin. Place it in the freezer and continue with the rest.

Drain the cashew nuts and blend with the remaining coconut oil, maple syrup, peanut butter, coconut cream, remaining vanilla essence, hazelnut flavour and salt until completely smooth.

Pour half of this mixture onto the base and smooth the top out, put in freezer.  Finely chop and toast in a fry pan 2/3c of hazelnuts.  Let these cool and then sprinkle over the filling. Pour over the remaining cashew mixture and smooth the top.  Cover and freeze for 3hrs.  Blend the ganache ingredients together in a food processor and pour over the tart, refrigerate for about 20 minutes.  Coarsely chop the remaining hazelnuts and sprinkle over the top.