

This bread is Gluten Free, Vegan, Naturally fermented and great for Gut health.

350g Pure New Zealand Buckwheat groats

700 mls Water

3 tspn Salt

1/2-1 cup Flour


Mix 350grams of PureNzBuckwheat groats with 700mls of water in a bowl or pot. Place a loose lid or plate on top of it and let it stand 24-36hours at room temperature whilst occasionally stirring it.

The water will go slimy and bubbles/foam will appear as it starts fermenting.

Break up the groats with a stick blender ( or food processor ) add approx 3 teaspoons of Salt.

To create a thicker batter, add 1/2 to 1 cup of flour, chickpea, buckwheat, teff/millet flour works well.

Just enough so it becomes a thick batter that is still easy to stir with a spoon.

Leave this 8-12 hrs whilst stirring it once or twice.

Then pour into a greased loaf pan and bake at 200 C for 20minutes before lowering to 160 C for another hour.

If you don’t eat it all first, this bread is fantastic for freezing!

This delicious buckwheat bread was sent in by one of our wonderful customers, Elke.

Buckwheat, Chicken and Mushroom Risotto

Serves 4 people


2 x cups Pure New Zealand Buckwheat (rinsed under cold water)

1 x medium brown onion (finely diced)

1 x leek (finely diced)

3-4 x cloves garlic (smashed & finely chopped)

8 slices smoked streaky bacon (cut into thin strips)

1 x cup  mushrooms

2 x chicken breast, chopped

1x litres chicken stock

1 x cup frozen peas

½ x cup white wine

100 grams x Butter

150 grams x good parmesan cheese (finely grated)

Sea salt & ground black pepper


1.       Cook chicken breast , then put aside

2.       Add 50 grams of butter to a thick bottomed saucepan, into this add the diced onion, leek, garlic & bacon. Cook on a low heat allowing the onions & leeks to become soft and translucent. Season with salt & pepper.

3.       Add your chopped mushrooms to the leek & onion base in the pan & stir in

4.       Add the Pure New Zealand Buckwheat to the mushroom mix and stir in.

5.       Turn the heat up, add the white wine & stir in until all absorbed.

6.       Now you can start ladling in your chicken stock one ladle at a time until the buckwheat is tender approx. 15-18 minutes. Add your cooked chopped chicken in after about 10 minutes. add the peas & stir in

7.       Take of the heat add the remaining butter & ½ the finely grated parmesan but resist the urge to stir it. Put a lid on and allow to rest for 5-6 minutes

8.       Take off lid and give it a stir, check seasoning again

9.       Serve into 4 bowls, give a final crack of black pepper, sprinkle grated parmesan over and serve

10.   ENJOY

Chocolate Hazelnut Tart

2c cashews

2c hazelnuts, skinless

1/2c almond meal

1/2c cacao powder

2tsp vanilla essence

3/4c blended PureNzBuckwheat groats

1/3c maple syrup

1/3c PureNzBuckwheat honey

2/3c coconut oil

1/2c peanut butter

1/4c coconut cream

1/8tsp hazelnut flavour

Chocolate Ganache

3/4c cacao powder

1/3c melted coconut oil

3/4c PureNzBuckwheat honey

1/2tsp vanilla essence


 Place cashews in a bowl of boiling water and leave to soak for 20 minutes.

Line your tray or baking tin with baking paper.

 Using a food processor, blend 1c of hazelnuts, almond meal, cacao powder, and 1tsp of the vanilla essence till it resembles crumbs.

Add the pre-blended buckwheat groats,  honey and 2T of coconut oil.

Once combined press the mixture firmly into your tin. Place it in the freezer and continue with the rest.

Drain the cashew nuts and blend with the remaining coconut oil, maple syrup, peanut butter, coconut cream, remaining vanilla essence, hazelnut flavour and salt until completely smooth.

Pour half of this mixture onto the base and smooth the top out, put in freezer.  Finely chop and toast in a fry pan 2/3c of hazelnuts.  Let these cool and then sprinkle over the filling. Pour over the remaining cashew mixture and smooth the top.  Cover and freeze for 3hrs.  Blend the ganache ingredients together in a food processor and pour over the tart, refrigerate for about 20 minutes.  Coarsely chop the remaining hazelnuts and sprinkle over the top.

Buckwheat Noodles with Honey Roasted Vegetables

2c Parsnips, baby carrots sliced in half and broccoli florets.

2T PureNzBuckwheat honey.

1T Olive oil

2 bundles of Soba Noodles.

1L water


1/4c Tahini

2T lemon juice

3T water

1T PureNzBuckwheat honey

1c flat leaf parsley

1 clove of garlic.


Bring a large pot of water to the boil and cook soba noodles for 4mins, stirring occasionally.

Drain and rinse under cold water and set aside.

Roast vegetables for 10mins in the honey and oil mix then sprinkle grouts over vegetables and mix in. Cook for a further 10mins until golden.


Place all ingredients into a blender and blitz for a minute.

Place roasted vegetables on top of noodles and drizzle over the dressing. Garnish with parsley to serve.

Buckwheat Pancakes

1 1/2c Buckwheat flour

3T PureNzBuckwheat honey

1t Baking soda

2t Cream of Tartar

1t Cinnamon


1c Milk

1t Butter


In a large bowl, mix all the ingredients together until smooth. Heat a lightly oiled frying pan over medium heat. Pour or scoop the batter onto the pan, using approximately 1/4 cup for each pancake.

Cook for 2mins, flip and cook for a further minute.

Remove and cover with a paper towel then repeat the process.

Serve with berries, honey and icing sugar.

Raw Buckwheat Porridge

2c Raw Buckwheat grouts, soaked overnight, drained and rinsed.

1c Milk.

1/4c PureNzBuckwheat honey

1t cinnamon

1t cacao (optional)

1T PureNzBuckwheat flour

Pinch of Salt.


Place buckwheat grouts in a food processor and pulse a few times to break down. Add milk,

honey, cinnamon, cacao, flour & salt and process till mixture is smooth but some texture


Divide porridge into four bowls and serve with berries or use as a base for a energy boosting


Buckwheat Lolly Cake

The beauty of lolly cake is you can put in whatever you wish, make it naughty with lollies or slightly healthier with some dried fruit etc, Whatever you are putting in it, try adding our buckwheat groats to give it a yummy crunch.

100g butter

1/2 can of condensed milk

250g biscuits of your choice (crushed)

3/4 cup of coconut

190g of eskimos, dried fruit or choc chips

1/2 cup of Pure New Zealand Buckwheat groats


Melt the butter and condensed milk in a saucepan until combined

Add crushed biscuits, groats and whatever yummy treats you are going to put in it and mix to combine.

Form into a log shape on a piece of glad wrap, cover with coconut and place in fridge until chilled.

Slice up and enjoy.

Buckwheat Sprinkles

This delicious chocolate buckwheat sprinkles add a yummy crispy crunch to any ice cream dish or dessert.

2 cups Pure New Zealand Buckwheat groats

4 Tbsp. cacao powder

4 Tbsp. Pure new Zealand Buckwheat honey ( or maple syrup)

4 Tbsp. melted coconut oil

add a teaspoon of cinnamon if you wish


Preheat oven to 170c

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and spread evenly onto a baking tray

Place in the oven and bake for 15-20 minutes

Store in an airtight jar and they will keep nicely for a few weeks.

Buckwheat Tabouli

This makes a delicious salad with lots of yummy flavours mixed in. Perfect for a hot summers day!

¾ cups of buckwheat groats

1 cup of feta

10 cm of telegraph cucumber (diced)

1 cup of raisins or currants

Seeds of ½ a pomegranate

Finely grated zest of lemon

1 cup of mint leaves shredded


1 teaspoon of buckwheat honey

½ tsp flaky sea salt

2 Tbsps red wine vinegar

2 Tbsps extra virgin olive oil


Put the buckwheat in a small pot with 1 ½ cups of boiling water. Cook, uncovered over a medium heat for 10 -12 minutes until the water is absorbed. Fluff with a fork and tip into a large serving bowl.

Prepare the dressing by putting all the ingredients in a small bowl and whisking to combine.

Pour half the dressing over the cooked buckwheat and toss well. Add all the remaining ingredients and stir gently, then drizzle over the rest of the dressing. Serve at room temp or keep in the fridge (covered) for up to three days.

Buckwheat Granola

If you are not adding buckwheat to your granola recipes you are missing out. It adds a major crunch and brings a yummy nutty taste to your morning cereal.

If you are not adding buckwheat to your granola recipes you are missing out. It adds a major crunch and brings a yummy nutty taste to your morning cereal.

1 ½ cups of buckwheat groats

1 ½ cups of rolled oats

1 cup of sliced almonds

3 Tbsps of maple syrup

2 Tbsps olive oil

1 Tbsp of coconut oil (melted)

2 tsps of vanilla extract

1 cup of coconut flakes

½ tsp of salt


Oven temp 150C (fan)

You can add any nuts or seeds to this as you wish (add fruit after roasting)

Stir in a bowl – spread evenly on a baking sheet

Cook for 20 minutes until golden then remove from the oven.

Add coconut and return for 10 to 15 minutes

Let cool and store in an air tight jar or container for up to a month.

Buckwheat Porridge

In a small pot add 1 cup of buckwheat and 3 cups of water on a medium heat. Once it reaches the boil turn the heat down and continue to let it cook with the lid covered. After 5 minutes the liquid has evaporated and it is ready to eat. Add your favourite toppings, fruit, yogurt etc. For a creamier version substitute the water for milk.

Add cocoa powder to get an indulgent chocolatey porridge to enjoy in the morning.