How to Cook Buckwheat


To pre-soak, add buckwheat to a bowl with 3-4 times the amount of water. Soak groats overnight in the fridge.

The groats will get ultra-sticky so you will need to give them a good rinse under running water once they are done soaking.

They won’t need much cooking if soaked, you will just need a half to one cup of water.

Bring it to the boil and it will cook in about 5 minutes.

Other methods

Otherwise if not pre-soaked you will need 2 to 3 cups of water per cup of raw buckwheat which will take about 15-20 minutes to cook.

You can also toast buckwheat in a pan or on a baking tray to bring out more of its nutty flavour, then you’ve got kasha, or adding it to bread mixes, biscuits, slices it brings an extra crunch to your baking.

Buckwheat flour

Buckwheat flour is an ideal substitute for flour in cookies, pancakes and bread mixtures. Great for turning everyday recipes gluten free. Buckwheat flour is a high fibre, high protein alternative to white flour and adds lots of good nutrients to your baking… Enjoy!